If you want to know how to have The Big O, and keep them coming, then read this book. Lou Paget writes fluidly holding the attention throughout the book, as she imparts all kinds of information. I resonated with her down-to-earth approach which seeks to make as much information as possible available to the ordinary man and woman. The little snippets from ‘Lou’s Archives’ as well as the ‘Historical and Hysterical Facts’ really help to lighten the subject as well as flesh out one’s sexual knowledge and contextualise it.
It is only towards the end of the book that she pushes to broaden the context of orgasm to avoid adding to performance pressure through the information on Chinese and Indian sex practices. Here again I appreciated the separation of the “woo-woo” language that would enable ordinary time-challenged folks to gain something from the 10,000 year old Eastern traditions. I still found it odd to switch from penises and vaginas to ‘vajras’ and ‘yonis’ just because we were sitting cross-legged … or in the yab yum position!
I got caught up with her quest to ‘inform, educate, and expand the awareness’ of her readership as much as possible on the subject. This is why her books deserve to be widely read, and translated into many languages where cultural taboos and ignorance prevent the majority from enjoying the most simple and inexpensive life-affirming pleasure.
The book is thoroughly researched and is suitable for a whole range of people from personal enquirers to the professional in the field. It doesn’t just supply facts but presents a point of view of open curiosity and debunks myths that have had the power to constrain so many. Whilst reading each chapter one can see the negative writing on our mental walls that has informed our attitudes and cramped our styles in the area of sex. With her informed arguments and tempered aims it feels quite reasonable to allow the walls to be whitewashed by science and rewritten by her own fair hand.
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